ReCap 4.0 is a joint capacity building project between five universities and three EU partner universities that is proposed to enhance the capacity and ability of the non-university sector at the tertiary level in Thailand for the effective delivery of engineering and technology knowledge and skills related to Industry 4.0 support Thailand Sustainable Smart Industry and to strengthen a partnership among participating European and Thai universities as well as benefited non-university sector.
In order to achieve these goals, the project will focus specifically on:
(1.) Improvement of competences and skills of teaching staff of non-university sector at the tertiary level in Thailand by training them with the Industry 4.0 competence development training program containing Industry 4.0 knowledge from the recently developed courses of MSIE 4.0 curriculum, teaching skill development and learning experience-focused course design and development
(2.) Development of innovative training modules, training materials, and delivery process for the Industry 4.0 competence development training program according to ECTS Implementation of modern ICT tools and methodologies for effective training
(3.) Training trainers for Thai partner universities by EU partners for the sustainability of the competence development training program
(4.) Establishment of an Innovative Teaching and Learning Center or Thailand Sustainable Smart Industry for continuing providing training, advice, forum and a channel of communication to support professional development and lifelong learning of the staff of academic institutes at the tertiary level as well as technical training for industry
(5.) Setup of training network among the members of partner universities and associated partners around the Innovative Teaching and Learning Center for Thailand Sustainable Smart Industry to ensure the sustainability of the project results and to be in line with European policy and practice in Thailand
By achieving these objectives, ReCap 4.0 will deliver an Industry 4.0 competence development training program of ten modules complete with innovative training materials, twelve Thai trainers passing train the trainers activities, and sixty trained teaching staff for the non-university sector at the tertiary education levels in Thailand and an Innovative Teaching and Learning Center for Thailand Sustainable Smart Industry.
The training program will cover three major areas of competence development for teaching technology. The first area will be on Industry 4.0 knowledge extracted from some of the recently developed sixteen courses of MSIE 4.0 curriculum that is sufficient for our trainees to understand and to have a chance to experience hands-on activities. The second area will be teaching skills enhancement. The trainees will be introduced to innovative teaching and learning methods including project-based and problem-based learning and trained on mentoring and coaching as well as communications. The last area will be curriculum development. They will learn an innovative learning experience-focused course design and development that has been developed in MSIE 4.0 project. The 10 modules will complete with innovative training materials.
The training program will be organized at Thai partner universities in different regions of Thailand. Trainees can attend the training at the universities in their regions. Twelve Thai young lecturers from Thai partner universities will be trained by trainers from EU partner universities on some modules of Industry 4.0 knowledge and teaching skills enhancement. This group of young trainers will not only alleviate the potential language barrier for the trainees but also help sustain the training program after the project ends.
A center will be established to be a hub connecting trainers and trainees as well as academic institutes at the tertiary level with industry. The network will create an opportunity for the center to sustain the outcomes of ReCap 4.0 as well as MSIE 4.0, both Erasmus+ projects.
ReCap 4.0 Project Period: November 2020 – November 2023