Welcome Message

ISE department has evolved a lot from its origin. ISE department hosts one among the oldest academic programs in AIT, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (IME). Mechatronics program at AIT is the pioneer in the region for graduated study of synergetic integration of mechanisms, electronics and information technology. Microelectronics and Embedded System was born during the time that the countries in the region focused on IC packaging and assembling. Now the focus is more and more on embedded systems and AI. The latest Bio-Nano Material Science and Medical Engineering program is adapted from Nanotechnology program to serve broader needs from industries. Even with the diversities of academic programs, ISE has a common philosophy of producing graduates who are excellent in technical knowledge, team-work, communication, and leadership. We are so proud of all our graduates who currently work as engineers in production lines, managers of divisions, CEO of companies, professors, deans, rector of universities, and so on. You are very most welcomed to be a part of ISE family.

Prof.Huynh Trung Luong

Department Head