“Bio-Nano Material Science and Engineering” is a rational fusion of the disciplines of Nanotechnology and Bioengineering, which is truly interdisciplinary in nature and a unique program in AIT. It is an emerging field in science and technology developing innovative materials, devices, and processes, and creating wide range of opportunities encompassing physics, chemistry, biology, applied sciences, various engineering fields and biomedical technology. The program is designed to address the needs of industry that require continuous development of their workforce and highly skilled leadership to direct and innovate research and development. It has a curriculum that is developed in collaboration with top researchers, industry experts and innovative educators that work in this field.
We are housed in the Department of Industrial Systems Engineering, School of Engineering and Technology (SET) and any student enrolled in this program will get a Master of Science (M. Sc.), Master of Engineering (M. Eng.) or Doctoral degrees from the School of Engineering and Technology in the Bio-Nano Material Science and Engineering field of study. Depending on backgrounds, students can choose one of the two Areas of Specialization: Nanoengineering and Bio-Nanoengineering