Following on the success of the first three conference and the benefits that it brings to the university-community-industry engaged practitioners in Asia and beyond, the AUN USR&S Secretariat at UKM will be organising the 4th AsiaEngage Regional Conference in Thailand this November. UKM is pleased to collaborate with Chiang Mai University (CMU), a university member of the AUN USR&S thematic network, to organise the conference. CMU will also bring along two other universities in Thailand on board to host the conference from 26 – 28 November in Thailand.

   The theme for this year’s regional conference is “Achieving SDGs in Asia: Key Challenges for University-Community Engagement.” The focus of the conference will be on the following five subthemes, which have been identified at the 6th AUN USR&S Steering Committee Meeting on 17 December 2017 in UKM Bangi, Malaysia, as essential considerations for driving forward meaningful and productive engagement efforts of higher education institutions:

   • University – Government Engagement
• University – Industry Engagement
• University – Civil Society Engagement
• University – Community Engagement
• University – International Agency Engagement
more detail…

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