Period of study at AIT:

2011 – 2013

Current Job:

Logistics Engineer – Operations Planning, Arvato Bertelsmann, Louisville, Kentucky, USA.

How does your experience at AIT benefit your current job?

While doing my master’s at AIT, I was introduced with the field of industrial engineering where engineers use mathematical and computer models to solve production and operations problems. Knowledge and computers skills gained from my courses; I developed a mathematical model to optimize maintenance operations of a manufacturing plant in my master’s thesis. Later these results were published in a reputed scientific journal. This amazing world of mathematical modeling made me more curious to pursue doctoral studies in Industrial Engineering. I received a fully-funded PhD fellowship from University of Louisville, Kentucky USA. I believe the published research paper from my master’s thesis was instrumental in getting this prestigious fellowship. In my PhD, I continue to expand my knowledge in mathematical and computational modeling. Now at Arvato, I apply a wide variety of mathematical techniques to tackle challenging logistics and distribution problems.

Message for current and prospective students:

We have world class professors at AIT. All the labs are equipped with state-of-the-art technologies. AIT has diverse work culture with students and professors from different countries around the world. These things make AIT a go-to destination for prospective students. For current students, the most important thing is to study. Current students should take full advantage of world-class coursework and research opportunities. In addition to studies, I want to suggest current students to gain computer skills as much as possible and apply those in coursework and research. Computer tools helps you to test any interesting idea you have for your research or your job. Apart from studies, students should take advantage of diverse culture of AIT. Do not limit your friends only to your natives, rather make friends from other countries, and other departments. Try to participate in extra-curricular activities those are happening at AIT. These activities will increase your communication skills. Therefore, world class studies, computer skills and communication skills prepare you to handle any opportunity—job, research, entrepreneurship or, anything—you want to pursue in your career.
